Abstract Decisions Announced
If you submitted an abstract to SSR 2013 this winter, then a decision notification e-mail was sent to you on Thursday the 28th or Friday the 29th of March. If you did not receive a message, please contact the SSR Business Office at ssr-am@ssr.org.Presentation notifications are expected to be distributed in mid- to late-April 2013.
Redesigned SSR Meetings Page
Have you seen the redesigned SSR Meetings page? Tell us what you think!Tourisme Montréal: SSR 2013 Microsite
Tourisme Montréal has developed an SSR 2013-specific website at http://ssr.alamontreal.com that includes a calendar of events and a discount coupon book (click on the "Exclusive Offers" tab). Take a look!Schedule Changes
A title has been provided for the following scientific session:
- Gametes Session 4. Gamete Function in Fertilization.
Invited Talk. Betsy Navarro, Ph.D. (Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts). Progress in CatSper, the Spermatozoan-Specific
Calcium Channel.